
4 technology terms and what they mean

Even though technology is present in all of our daily lives, many of us are still unfamiliar with the terms associated with it.  Fortunately, we’re here to clear up some of the confusion. Read on for an explanation of four common technology-related terms.


Cookies are fundamentally what allow websites to identify you when you revisit them. By allowing cookies, you are allowing your web browser to give the website data such as your username, password and preferences. They can save you a great deal of time by preventing you from reentering your information over and over again.

Unfortunately, cookies can also be seen as a privacy issue. Because they store your information and track your activity they make it easier for someone to access your data. Most experts agree, however, that merely limiting the amount of cookies you allow will help protect your online identity.


A URL, or uniform resource locator, is simply a web address. It is what you type into the address bar of your browser, usually beginning with “http,” that takes you to the website you want to visit.


Cloud is one of the most used terms in tech these days yet it still has many people scratching their heads. The cloud is made up of web-based services that you can use on any computer without buying hardware or installing software. Google Docs and Facebook are among the most common cloud services today.


Flash is a platform owned by Adobe that enables you to view animation and dynamic displays on the Internet. Installing a Flash plug-in on your browser ensures that you can view certain videos and other displays that can’t otherwise be seen. Although Flash has been the leader for a long time, HTML5 is quickly emerging as a competitor.

Technology-related terms may seem overwhelming but understanding the basics can make it all much easier to grasp.

If you’d like to see a more in-depth description of tech terms, take a look at this glossary.

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